A blog about Development, Food and everything between them
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesIn Part I I tried to explain a bit on what the DI Container is and how you use it. When building an infrastructure you need to be aware of changes and thus, flexibility should be taken into consideration. The DI Container gives us that flexibility as we are bound to the interface but not …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesThis is part I on how we built the infrastructure. Using the built-in .Net Core DI Container makes the separation of the pyramid layers easier. After getting used to it, it’s even easier to read and understand than most of the code I red. This is important for our infrastructure as it gives the programmer …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 2 minutesWe started a new project, from scratch. As you should already know, it’s quite unusual and great to have the opportunity of writing a project from scratch. Therefore, we grabbed this with both hands. The most important thing with new projects, beside POC unknown territories (post about this in a near future), is to have a …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesWe’ve talked about the meat, which is a very important part of every Asado (obviously). But it’s not the only important part. You see, Asado, more than being a simple BBQ, is a whole ceremony.It’s a meal you have with your friends or family, and, as it takes its time, it gives you an opportunity …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 5 minutesUploading the site to the internet! Up until now we didn’t pay anything to anybody which is great for our wallet, but not exactly optimal if you want the world to see your site (or at least your grandmother). A website consists of two things: a Domain Name and a Server. Domain Name This is the …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 2 minutesIt’s been a few weeks since the blog is in the air and I’m really happy from all the feedback I get from my friends. One of them asked me how do you publish a website to the internet, to which I decided to answer with a simple guide. Here is the “Guide for the …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesI’m sure you’ve realized I’m not using one of the default fonts on this blog. Instead, I’m using FiraCode. A few months ago I was introduced to this font by a co-worker.Actually, it was more than that, I was introduced to the option to change the current font in Visual Studio. Never thought that the …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 2 minutesSame as when coding, always try to KISS everything you do (Keep It Simple and Stupid). In this post I’ll talk about another thing I love to do (besides coding) – Cooking! This blog will not only talk about code and development, but also about food. Some posts will contain even recipes! In this post …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = < 1 minuteAfter publishing the “How to update yourself” post a friend encouraged me to look for more ways to self-update your software. Thanks to that I remembered (and found) more methods to do this! One is the ClickOnce Framework. This frameworks takes care of the publishing and updating of your application. It allows administrators to roll an …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesI don’t know about you, but my university studies didn’t really prepare me for real life. I was pretty fine writing code and completing the assignments, but I found out (pretty fast) that if your code works and it does what it needs to do, it isn’t really done: Do you follow any Design Patterns? …