A blog about Development, Food and everything between them
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 2 minutesHi everyone! Long time no write 🙂 I’ve been actually busy building my first Udemy course! Since being a child I always knew I would teach something. I even think that in a few years I will become a school teacher. Until then, I got satisfaction from this blog, a course I managed in my …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesI wish someone would have told me this before starting to look for a house to live in. It’s pretty obvious: Imagine how you would live there. Imagine your day to day. Your commute to work, groceries, fun.. And not just imagine. Build a mockup of the house from the blueprints (there are lots of …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 6 minutesSince 2011, when I finished high school, I’ve moved 8 times. Four different cities, endless roommates, family and girlfriend (which later changed nickname to Wife). Always renting, not really thinking about buying. Thinking, but so out of reach that you could say it was more of a wish than a thought. In 2023, some stars …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesThis time I won’t write about technology or food. I still develop and I still eat, but there’s something else that itches me more. I was born in the early 90’s, which means I still remember a small part of my childhood when there was no commonly used internet. Then, in a very short period, …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesI have a Raspberry Pi. Actually I had more than one, but they all broke up… So now I have one Raspberry Pi. It’s an old one, version B, but still works and can do some stuff. I built a remote controlled car (with an android joystick, which is all here) but I took it apart …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 5 minutesWell, it’s not a joke. Sorry if you are disappointed. Today I want to talk about blue & green deployment using docker-compose and canary strategy Description This paper will introduce the idea of deploying a new version of a microservice system that runs from docker-compose (without using K8S or alike) This could be useful for …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesA few weeks ago we received a new muscle in the area of project management in the form of a new recruitment. After recovering from the shock he was on how we manage, well, everything, we began to work on improving. One of the things we started with is how we manage feature requests and …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 8 minutesAs I mentioned, last month I got married to the woman I love. When we started planning the wedding, I thought about creating a website with some information about the wedding and inserting a QR into the invitation. You know, to add a bit of technology (a personal touch, you may say) to the wedding. …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 6 minutesHi everybody! I’ve missed you! It’s been more than half a year since I last wrote, WOW. There is no real excuse for this behavior and I am sorry, but I’ll try anyway.. I was pretty busy with my wedding (great event!) and I’ve changed roles in my job. Any of these two by itself …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesA word before you start reading: This post will talk about AWS Cloud. This post isn’t a recommendation to work with AWS instead of GCP or Azure, it just happens that I work with AWS and know AWS more than the other two, so it’s easier for me to talk about it. That’s it, happy …