Category: Good Practice

A whale, a bird and two colors enter a bar

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 5 minutes Well, it’s not a joke. Sorry if you are disappointed. Today I want to talk about blue & green deployment using docker-compose and canary strategy Description This paper will introduce the idea of deploying a new version of a microservice system that runs from docker-compose (without using K8S or alike) This could be useful for …

Multi-Repo vs Mono-Repo – My approach to these two different approaches

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes Our main project nowadays is a microservice-infrastructured system. Being microservice based, we automatically thought the best way to manage its code is in different repos. Cross project libraries were consumed using Nuget packaging. Everything works automatically, we have CI pipelines for the Nuget packages, for integration deployment and testing and we even have a template to start with …

A whole post about logging? Hell Yeah

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 8 minutes Introduction When I started programming, logging was obviously not in my top 10 priorities. It wasn’t even on the list. In fact, I didn’t know what logging was. All I knew was to `cout` or `Console.WriteLine`, and it was enough. Then I began to work. I understood very rapidly that logs are important. What you …

Docker – Started from the bottom now we here

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes My Introduction to Docker My team has decided to transition from Windows Services to Docker Containers. We’ll move to Linux and make all our new systems containerized. Very futuristic! I was in charge of checking the Docker world from scratch and figuring out how easy it would be to make the transition. To make this POC I …

(Not) Using Docker on Windows

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes I’m a Windows Boy    That’s it, I said it. My first computer was a DOS when I was 4. My father has programmed it to play a game if I write my name and press enter. At age 6 we installed Windows XP and a whole new world appeared in front of me. I …

How to host? No, not a website, an event!

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes I love to host. I love to cook, but that you’ve already realized. I love to prepare food for people I love.  It’s not easy. It takes practice to love it. At first, hosting is a burden. Clean up your place, buy all the stuff you need, prepare the food and more and more… For …

Entering another developer’s code

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutes It’s been a while since the last time I wrote! A lot has happened, I got engaged for example (claps claps)! We seem to be at the end of our Coronavirus journey here in Israel, and it wasn’t a fun ride.           Today I want to write about something that has …

New Fresh Pair of Eyes

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes There are many manuals and tutorials around about this “phenomenon”: Rubber Duck Debugging. Don’t worry, this is not gonna be another one. A few words about it just in case you don’t know what I’m talking about.. Rubber Duck Debugging (RDD) is a debugging method that doesn’t have anything to do with technology, it works …

Try to learn something new in every occasion

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutes There once was a man that preyed everyday to God and ask to win the lottery. Every single day the man would prey the same prayer. He did everything according to his religion, he was a good man and always helped others, but he never won the lottery. When he died and got to Heaven, …

I helped someone with MS Office Word searching Google

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutes The Word Problem A few weeks ago something pretty unusual happened in my work. An employee in my company sent an email to everyone asking for help with MS Office Word. I looked him up and found out he works in a non-technological department. Worried I wouldn’t be able to help him, I responded to …