DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesThe main reason I wanted to create this blog, like I wrote in the first post, is to help others with my experience. One way to improve is to invest in yourself. Many people don’t see it this way, but when you pay for courses, a degree or even when you buy yourself a new computer, …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesOne of the disadvantages we rapidly recognized when thinking about making the system out of MicroServices, was how to manage each MS configuration. At first we thought of creating a MS that will be the Configuration Distributor. It would work like this: It would expose a REST API that each MS can access, and in …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesWhen creating a new system most of the infrastructure and technologies are well known to the team. At least that’s been going on for me for the last systems we’ve built. Most of the parts are well known, but what about those dark shadowy places? We started a new system a few months ago (I …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesOne of the most common complaints I hear where I work is that the developers don’t have enough coding assignments. I can understand that and I too felt sometimes we do a lot of “maintenance” work and less real-time coding. In 2018 I was in charge of a big project that had very few programming in …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 5 minutesUploading the site to the internet! Up until now we didn’t pay anything to anybody which is great for our wallet, but not exactly optimal if you want the world to see your site (or at least your grandmother). A website consists of two things: a Domain Name and a Server. Domain Name This is the …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 2 minutesIt’s been a few weeks since the blog is in the air and I’m really happy from all the feedback I get from my friends. One of them asked me how do you publish a website to the internet, to which I decided to answer with a simple guide. Here is the “Guide for the …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = < 1 minuteAfter publishing the “How to update yourself” post a friend encouraged me to look for more ways to self-update your software. Thanks to that I remembered (and found) more methods to do this! One is the ClickOnce Framework. This frameworks takes care of the publishing and updating of your application. It allows administrators to roll an …
DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesI don’t know about you, but my university studies didn’t really prepare me for real life. I was pretty fine writing code and completing the assignments, but I found out (pretty fast) that if your code works and it does what it needs to do, it isn’t really done: Do you follow any Design Patterns? …