Category: Good Practice

How to: Work – Life Balance

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 5 minutesThe 2020 Pandemic In February 2020 a global Pandemic emerged. At first, in December 2019 we started hearing about cases of an unknown virus from the Coronavirus family in China. The cases appeared later that month in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam… And then in Italy. From Italy it was a matter of days until it appeared …

Writing Open Source code for .Net Core

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 4 minutesOne of the disadvantages we rapidly recognized when thinking about making the system out of MicroServices, was how to manage each MS configuration. At first we thought of creating a MS that will be the Configuration Distributor. It would work like this: It would expose a REST API that each MS can access, and in …

POC unknown territories

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesWhen creating a new system most of the infrastructure and technologies are well known to the team. At least that’s been going on for me for the last systems we’ve built. Most of the parts are well known, but what about those dark shadowy places? We started a new system a few months ago (I …

VM for the RD!

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 6 minutesOne of the first things I learned when I started to work was how to debug. While studying I just run the program (F5 in visual studio) and hit some breakpoints when needed. I could play with the order of execution, go back and re-run, change some values on the fly and more. I didn’t …

Self VS Shelf

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesVery often we are tackled by a new request from our PM. As a team of developers we are first very excited to have new assignments and we start thinking on how we can develop it. But is that the best way to think about new assignments? Today on ADC – Self VS Shelf Self …

Differences developing for homework than for your job

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesI want to open something up. I finished my degree and started working almost immediately as a junior developer. The gap between what I thought what developing is and what it really is, was HUGE. I knew how to code, given a problem I could find the right algorithm to solve it. But there is …

Why is it important to know how to fail/lose

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesAs you’ve already know, I’m originally from Argentina and proud of that! Born and Raised there ‘till I was a teen. One of the most (if not the most) famous card game in Argentina is called “Truco” (“Trick” in Spanish). It’s a game you play with Spanish Cards (different from Poker Cards) and you can …

Legacy Code is scary, and you are doing it right now!

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesChucky & Tiffany, Haunted House, The Exorcist, Legacy Code. These all pairs of words represent our worst nightmare. Imagine, you are at your desk, working on some project you like. Suddenly, your team leader enters the room and asks you to check if you can fix a small issue in one of your team’s app. …

Infrastructuring – Part III – Visual Studio Template

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesNow that we know how to use the .Net Core Dependency Injection Framework and how to nuget our code (and even configure a symbols server), we can move to the last part of our infrastructure – Visual Studio Template. At the end we’ll have our own template to choose from in the “Create a new …

Infrastructuring – Part II – Nugetting

DateTime.AfterPost – DateTime.Now = 3 minutesIn Part I I tried to explain a bit on what the DI Container is and how you use it. When building an infrastructure you need to be aware of changes and thus, flexibility should be taken into consideration. The DI Container gives us that flexibility as we are bound to the interface but not …